Tag Archives: zero down bail bonds in visalia

What is a Bail Bond?

visalia bail bonds

Bail is a monetary amount a judge decides is a fair amount of money to secure your release from jail. The idea is that the amount should be high enough that it convinces you to return to court for all of your mandatory appearances. At the conclusion of your case, the money will be returned […]

What Type of Travel Restrictions Are Connected to Bail

visalia bail bonds

When you go to an arraignment, one of the things that’s discussed is bail. Not only does the judge determine if you’ll be granted bail, but they also decide how high the bail is and what restrictions will be connected to the bail.  Surprisingly, many people find that the restrictions are more challenging than raising […]

Reasons You Should Get a Bail Bond

visalia bail bonds

When you are granted bail, you have two options. The first option is to post the entire amount and bail yourself out of jail. Your second option is to contact Carl’s  Bail Bonds Visalia and inquire about getting a bail bond. There are a few compelling reasons you should consider the second option. You’ll Keep Money […]

Common Bail Conditions

visalia bail bonds

Many people assume that money is the only thing connected to bail, but that’s not always the case. While it’s true that you won’t be released from jail until you have either posted your own bail or arranged for a bail bond, it’s not uncommon for a judge to add conditions to the bail. The […]

Your Loved One Needs Bail, How Can You Help?

visalia bail bonds

You just learned that one of your favorite people has been arrested. You want to help them out, but you’re not sure what you can do. The first thing you should do is try to contact them. This isn’t always easy since they are in jail. If you aren’t able to reach them, you can […]

How Online Bail Bond Approval Works


The days when a person had to physically meet with a bail bond representative to secure a bail bond are gone. Thanks to technology, you can apply for and be approved for a Carl’s Bail Bond without ever meeting a member of our team face to face. This is accomplished via online bail bond approval. If […]

Get A Free Bail Consultation With Carl’s Bail Bonds

visalia bail bonds

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good bail consultation. The consultation allows you and us to get to know one another and decide if we’re a good fit for your needs. Several things take place during a free bail bonds consultation. We Collect Your Information It doesn’t matter if you’re contacting us about yourself or if […]

Does Criminal History Impact The Ability To Bail

visalia bail bonds

Many people assume that bail is automatically granted after an arrest. These same people believe that while bail may be higher for some than for others, everyone will receive the option to be released from jail. That simply isn’t the case. The truth is that while bail is commonly granted, there are times when a […]

Can I Set Off My Own Fireworks in California


The Fourth of July is right around the corner. Many people are itching to start purchasing supplies to set off their firework display on their property. The question is, are you allowed to purchase and set off fireworks on your own in California? California’s state government is content to allow you to use what they […]

Start Preparing for Wildfire Season

visalia bail bonds

Wildfires are a problem in California and 2023 doesn’t look like it’s going to be an exception to the rule. While some believed that the fact that it was a bit wetter than normal this winter would mean avoiding problematic wildfires, the experts disagree, according to Accuweather, it’s highly likely that wildfires will lead to […]

Are You Required to Make Bail in California

visalia bail bonds

One of the things many people wonder after their arraignment is if they are required to make bail. The short and sweet answer is no. While most people opt to not make bail for financial reasons, there are some compelling reasons some people choose to remain in jail while they wait for the conclusion of […]

What to Tell Your Employer When You’re Arrested?

visalia bail bonds

One of the first things you must consider when dealing with an employer and an arrest issue is that California is an at-will-employment state. This means employers have the right to terminate an employee’s employment status for any reason, including getting arrested. The state’s at-will employment status also means that the employer can terminate the […]

Dangerous Employment Scams You Need to Be Aware Of

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Everyone talks about phone scams, dating scams, and internet scams. Somehow, employment scams slide under the radar. Employment scams are interesting because few people see them coming. What’s the Point of an Employment Scam There are three main reasons that employment scams exist. Making Fast Money Some people will launch an employment scam because they […]

Failure to Present a Valid California Driver’s License


We’ve all done it at some point or another. We’ve left home without our driver’s license. This isn’t a major deal as long as you are walking or riding around as a passenger. If you’re driving, it has the potential to be a major problem. In California, you are legally required to have your driver’s […]

Hitting a Pedestrian in California

California has a reputation as being a great place for pedestrians. The weather makes it possible for pedestrians to walk year-round and the state has done a wonderful job of creating places where pedestrians can stroll without encountering traffic. While pedestrians are invited to enjoy the benefits of walking, it’s important to understand that if […]

What Counts As Drug Possession?

With the passing of prop 64, the topic of drug possession has become more prominent in recent months. While it is now legal for people 21 and older to possess some small amount of marijuana, this is the only drug that has been legalized. Even still, there are rules and restrictions to its use. Even […]

New Jersey’s Failed Bail Replacement

At the start of this year, the state of New Jersey eliminated its bail system in favor of a system where judges determine whether or not it is safe to release the defendant. The idea of this new system was to be fairer to people who would not be able to generate the funds needed […]

Is Driving While Hungover Ok?

Everyone knows that driving while drunk is a bad idea. While drunk you have poor motor control, and lack a sense of adequate risk assessment. Basically, you can’t control your actions well, and you do things that you wouldn’t normally do while sober. It is easy to see why people should not be driving in […]