Tag Archives: quick bail help in tulare

Hit and Run Incidents in California


The best way to think about hit and run incidents in California is that they are illegal. Fleeing the scene of an accident only makes the situation worse. A hit-and-run accident is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the term used to describe someone who hits something (car, dog, human, mailbox, etc.), and rather than […]

Be Prepared for a Blackout


Electricity is one of those things you don’t appreciate until you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a blackout. The good news is that there are some things you can do to make sure you’re ready the next time the power goes out, even if the power remains out for several days. Know Where […]

Wildfire Prevention in California


Wildfires have become a serious concern for anyone who lives in California. While lawmakers explore ways to help prevent wildfires, anyone who lives in or visits California is urged to take steps to prevent leaving a wildfire in their wake. Don’t Set Off Fireworks Yes, fireworks are a lot of fun, but they can also […]

Resisting Arrest In California


Resisting arrest is one of those strange charges that people often think is unfair, in large part because it’s a discretionary charge that can make the police appear inconsistent. What is Resisting Arrest? If you think that bolting and running when the police pull out the handcuffs and start reciting the Miranda Rights is an […]