Category Archives: Bail Bonds In Visalia

Safe Hiking Tips for California’s Trails


California has some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the world. The summertime provides you with the perfect excuse to hit those trails and enjoy some high-quality hikes. Before you do, make sure you take a few minutes to consider your safety. Be Realistic About Your Fitness Let’s face it. Most of us aren’t […]

Summer Camping Safety Tips


Camping is a great way to enjoy both the fantastic summer weather and breathtaking beauty California has to offer. The great thing about camping is that it’s also affordable and usually something you can do at the spur of the moment. The key to getting the maximum amount of enjoyment out of your camping adventure […]

Prepare Your Pets for Fireworks


The Fourth of July is right around the corner which means people are going to set off fireworks. Even if you have no intention of being around fireworks, you need to take steps to protect your pets from them. Don’t assume that just because your neighbors have never set off fireworks in the past that […]

Fourth of July Firework Safety Tips


Fireworks are a fun and memorable way to celebrate the Fourth of July, but they can also be dangerous and in some cases have even been deadly. If you plan on setting off your own fireworks this Fourth of July, you owe it to yourself and your family to use common sense and practice firework […]

Preventing Auto Theft


Auto theft is a massive and expensive problem. The Insurance Information Institute reports that in 2019, 219.9 cars per 100,000 people were stolen. The average value of the stolen vehicle was $8,886. The good news is that while you might not be able to totally prevent yourself from being a victim of auto theft, there […]

Negligent Discharge of a Weapon in California


A California man was recently arrested on the negligent discharge of a weapon charge. In this particular case, the man was allegedly firing BBs at passing traffic. It’s unclear how many windows he shot out or how much property damage might have occurred. It is estimated that approximately 100 different vehicles were struck by BBs. […]

Tips for Preventing Road Rage in California


Road rage in California is a serious problem. The Best Driving School reported that nationwide, road rage was responsible for 218 murders and 12,610 injuries during seven years. Road rage has been the cause of countless accidents and deaths. Many of the people who were injured and killed during road rage incidents were innocent bystanders. […]

Keeping Your Kids Safe this Summer


Summer is finally here which means long days and lots of freedom for your kids. While you want your kids to have a great time and make lots of good memories this summer, you also want them to stay safe. The good news is that it’s possible to do both. Preventing Heat Stroke One of […]

Your California Driver’s License Expired! Now What?

los angeles bail bonds

In California, your driver’s license expires every eight years unless you’re 66 or older. If you’ve passed your 66th birthday, your license will expire every 5 years. The day it is set to expire will always be on your birthday. The California DMV is supposed to send out a reminder, as well as a renewal […]

You’ve Finally Graduated! Don’t Forget to be Smart!

los angeles bail bonds

It seems like you’ve been waiting your whole life to finish school. Many people consider the summer between high school and the time when they start college (or trade school, or simply start working full time) to be one of the most exciting and fun times of their life. While it’s okay to have fun […]

Catfishing In California

los angeles bail bonds

Catfishing isn’t the art of catching the bottom-dwelling fish that taste greatly fried. Catfishing actually refers to the act of using a false social network profile that allows you to pretend to be someone you’re not. This differs from a ghostwriter creating an account for their writing profile because the catfisher’s account exists purely for […]

Telemarketer Fraud

los angeles bail bonds

If you hate telemarketers, you’re not alone. Legal Beagle reported that in 2017, Bank my Cell conducted a survey that revealed that out of 1,200 people, 75% of them actively avoided calls that they knew were from telemarketers. 85% of the people who responded to the survey reported that even the thought of dealing with […]

Documenting a Car Accident


If you haven’t been in a car accident yet, you should consider yourself lucky. Considering how much time we spend behind the wheel, the odds are good that sooner or later you’ll be involved in one. Because of the likelihood of getting into a car accident, it’s important to know what the proper protocol is […]

Leaving Pets in Hot Cars in California


Dogs love their owners and want to be with them all the time. In an attempt to keep our dogs happy, many of us take them with us when we run errands. On cold days, this isn’t an issue, but now that we’re on the cusp of summer, it will be a while before Californians […]

Are you an Accessory After the Fact in California?


One of the more confusing criminal charges California has is the accessory after the fact. Many people don’t know that it’s possible to get into trouble for a crime that they weren’t involved with until well after the crime happened. California law stipulates that anyone who basically takes steps to hinder a criminal investigation could […]

Leaving Kids in Hot Cars in California


Kids and hot cars are never a good combination. Everyone knows that, yet there is still an average of 38 children who die each year after they’re locked into a hot car. In all fairness, nearly all of these cases are an accident. The child is strapped into their car seat in the back of […]

What is Felony Stalking


While everyone knows that stalking is a crime, few realize that it can be a felony or a misdemeanor (and in some cases, the accused might be charged with both a felony and a misdemeanor.) Every single state has stalking laws. While the nuances of stalking laws vary from one state to another, for the […]

What is a Bench Warrant?


California has three different types of warrants. Each one serves a different purpose. Search warrants and arrest warrants are the ones that most people are familiar with, mostly because they play huge roles in various procedural shows. The third type of warrant is called a bench warrant. The majority of the warrants currently active in […]