Tag Archives: visalia ca bail bond services

Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble

Carls Bail Bonds

While any parent will tell you that having kids is truly amazing, they will also very likely tell you that having kids can be extremely tiresome. Children have a lot of energy and are constantly going, unlike us adults who ran out of energy years ago and still manage to plough on somehow. This difference […]

PTSD: The Invisible Wound

Carls Bail Bonds

With so much tragedy in the world, it’s not surprising to know someone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 8 out 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. Most people assume that in order to have PTSD, you must fought in a war. Contrary […]

Do You Want to Avoid Having Unnecessary Stress in Life? Then Try Having an Open Mind

Carls Bail Bonds

Having an open mind is vital in the world today. There are so many opinions, facts, and attitudes out there. Even in family settings we may feel like we have to tread carefully because we don’t want to offend anyone. Some people get so offended over another’s opinions that you may feel as if you […]

Harmful Sun Rays

Carls Bail Bonds

Warmer days are in the forecast and spring weather is here in California. It is time to get ready for the sunshine. Most Californians love the sunshine, and after all, sunshine is guaranteed to the masses by state law. For Californians, sunlight means beach days, hiking, pools, suntan lines, and fun times. Fun in sun […]

When Have Things Gone Too Far? When Dead Bodies End Up on the News

Carls Bail Bonds

We all like a little bit of blood and guts in our films. Maybe even a little bit of gore, only if it’s done tastefully. Heroic actions in cinemas need to be contrasted with the ugly, right? What if it wasn’t a featured film with fake blood? What if instead of sitting in a movie […]

Who Needs an Excuse to Go to the Beach? The Benefits of Going to the Seashore

Carls Bail Bonds

Summer is just around the corner, or that’s what we tell ourselves. We’re itching to soak up the sun and maybe catch a few waves. We’re Californians, relaxing on the beach is in our blood. We live off of vitamin D and the sounds of crashing waves. True beach bums go year round to relax […]

Filing Your Taxes May Be Boring, but It Does Come with Perks

Carls Bail Bonds

That time of the year has rolled around once again and if you haven’t already, you should consider filing your tax returns. While you may have until April 17th to file your taxes, do not wait until the last moment. That April deadline will sneak up on you, and all the while you will be […]

How did we get the Easter Bunny?

Carls Bail Bonds

Hippity hoppity, here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping along the bunny trail. The Easter bunny comes and visits little boys and girls every spring. He hides eggs filled with treats, and brings baskets full of gifts for the kids. However, where does he come from? Where does the bunny trail that he hops along every year […]

Are You Prepared for the Season to Change? Here Are Somethings to Do This Spring in California

Carls Bail Bonds

This winter has been cold, but it has flown by. Spring will be arriving soon and so we have to hang up our winter gear. It’s time to break out the floral pattern outfits, sunglasses, and start warming up once again. Here in California we’re so lucky to be able to have such great and […]

Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

Carls Bail Bonds

The recent school shooting in Parkland Florida on Valentine’s Day has left this nation scrambling. Scrambling to get governments, local, state and federal, to do anything in the hope of preventing another school shooting. Our nation is far too used to hearing about tragedies like this in the news. Events like this make you worry […]

Physical & Mental Signs of Abusive Relationships: Possessive, Stalker-like Qualities are Not Attractive

Carls Bail Bonds

Let’s face it, many of us joke about abuse from time. Most everyone has a memory of their mom/dad where it resulted in you crying abuse. The thing is most of us were joking when we cried abuse. Sadly, others were not. Harsh jokes can lead to a couple throwing fake punches at each other. […]

Why You Shouldn’t Mess with Wild Animals: This isn’t a Movie, Animals are Still Savage

Carls Bail Bonds

We’ve been misled by childhood movies that showed princess dancing and singing alongside sweet wild animals. That is the only explanation that makes sense because yet again, someone was trampled by a wild animal. Nature is cool, it’s wild, and isn’t boring to city folks. No one ever sees a deer and says “ew.” We […]

The Benefits of Fur Therapy

Carls Bail Bonds

A long day at school, followed by several hours of standing on your feet at work, takes a toll on the soul. The only saving grace sometimes is that cute, furry, happy-eyed, four-legged friend waiting for you at home. Whether a cat or dog lover, there is no denying the emotional support our furry creatures […]

How to Deal with Bad Days

Carls Bail Bonds

It’s just a bad day, that’s what you keep telling yourself. Bad days seem to be a dime a dozen for some of us. The worst part about them, is that a bad morning can turn into a bad day, which turns into a bad week, which can spread to a month, and well, you […]

The Benefits of Sleep

Carls Bail Bonds

Who doesn’t love sleeping? Sleeping is a trend that everyone is into, and we all do daily. Our bodies actually need, on average, eight hours of sleep a day. If you’re young and growing, you’ll need even more sleep. When we don’t get enough sleep, we start to lose our cognitive abilities and can’t function […]

California Could Legalize Street Vendors across the State

Carls Bail Bonds

In many cities across the state of California, there are restrictions and laws against street side vendors. Many cities, such as Los Angeles, make it a criminal act to sell food without a license, which means any street vendor caught doing so could face jail time. Some people feel that this is too harsh of […]

Do You Believe in a Flu Season?

Carls Bail Bonds

There are all kinds of people out there in the world, and all of them have their own believes and views. Some of them make sense, and others are just plain bizarre. Every once in a while, you hear of a belief that just seems too crazy to be true. For instance, some people think […]

Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

Carls Bail Bonds

It’s that time of the year again where everyone needs to sit down and file their taxes. Some people may be receiving a very sizable check from the government after doing that. This leaves many with the enviable problem of having money to send, and no idea what to do with it. Of course, the […]