Category Archives: Bail Bond Blog

Consequences of High-Speed Chases in California


High-speed car chases happen all over the country, yet whenever people hear about a high-speed chase, they automatically assume it took place in California. That’s because California, and more specifically, Los Angeles, is considered the Car Chase Capital of the World. There are a few reasons that California and high-speed chases go together. The first […]

California’s Drug Cultivation Laws

visalia bail bonds

Drug cultivation in California is addressed in Health and Safety Code 11379.6 HS. The code clearly states that, “every person who manufactures, compounds, converts, produces, derives, processes, or prepares, either directly or indirectly by chemical extraction or independently by means of chemical synthesis, any controlled substance specified in Section 11054, 11055, 11056, 11057, or 11058 […]

Prepare Your Pets for Fireworks


The Fourth of July is right around the corner which means people are going to set off fireworks. Even if you have no intention of being around fireworks, you need to take steps to protect your pets from them. Don’t assume that just because your neighbors have never set off fireworks in the past that […]

Fourth of July Firework Safety Tips


Fireworks are a fun and memorable way to celebrate the Fourth of July, but they can also be dangerous and in some cases have even been deadly. If you plan on setting off your own fireworks this Fourth of July, you owe it to yourself and your family to use common sense and practice firework […]

Are you an Accessory After the Fact in California?


One of the more confusing criminal charges California has is the accessory after the fact. Many people don’t know that it’s possible to get into trouble for a crime that they weren’t involved with until well after the crime happened. California law stipulates that anyone who basically takes steps to hinder a criminal investigation could […]

You’ve Been Arrested for DUI… Again


Getting arrested and charged for DUI once in California is terrifying and life-altering. The second time you’re arrested for the same thing is even worse. Like many states, California lawmakers have decided that to take a hard stance on drunk drivers. One of the ways they’ve done this is by creating laws that make a […]

Dealing with Payment Plans Is Easy with Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Dealing with Payment Plans Is Easy with Carls Bail Bonds

Payment plans are pretty great. They break up the large cost of something and spread it out over a set amount of time. This makes it easier for a person to afford whatever the item is. However, they can add a bit of worry for some people. People may worry about missing a payment, and […]

What Is the Booking Process Like?

What Is the Booking Process Like?

When it comes to arrests and bail, most people have a lot questions. For instance, many people wonder what happens when a person is arrested. They often expect the arrest to happen quickly, however that is rarely the case. There is a whole process to booking someone into jail and it usually takes some time […]

Don’t Overshare on the Road

Don’t Overshare on the Road

With all of the different ways of expressing oneself in today’s world, there are so many ways to tell the world about yourself. Unfortunately, there is such a thing as oversharing. Constantly, people are warning others of the dangers of sharing too much information on their social media accounts. Too much stuff posted online can […]

Tired of Dealing with Spam Phone Calls?

Tired of Dealing with Spam Phone Calls?

Phones and cellphones are pretty great they give a person access to everyone important to them. Unfortunately, phones also give everyone access to that person. Spammers and scammers can get in touch with anyone thanks to phones, and that can be incredibly annoying. No one likes to be interrupted, especially for something that isn’t important. […]

Los Angeles Bail Bonds Is Here So You Don’t Face Bail Alone

Carls Bail Bonds Is Here So You Don’t Face Bail Alone

There are things in life that are hard to get over and move past. An arrest is a perfect example of this. Getting out of jail is not easy, at least not on your own. Luckily, there are professionals available to offer their assistance to anyone in California who needs it. All you have to […]

Carls Bail Bonds Is Here So You Don’t Face Bail Alone

Carls Bail Bonds Is Here So You Don’t Face Bail Alone

There are things in life that are hard to get over and move past. An arrest is a perfect example of this. Getting out of jail is not easy, at least not on your own. Luckily, there are professionals available to offer their assistance to anyone in California who needs it. All you have to […]

Be a Hero for Your Loved One

Be a Hero for Your Loved One

Many people dream of being a hero, especially for their friends and family members. While being a hero may seem like a difficult or impossible task, it is a lot easier than people realize. For instance, in most cases, in order for a person to be a hero, they just have to be there for […]

Can Plastic Water Bottles Left in Hot Cars be Dangerous?

Can Plastic Water Bottles Left in Hot Cars be Dangerous?

Summer is in full swing and people are doing everything in their power to beat the heat and stay safe. After all, no one wants to suffer from heat related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. One of the best ways to avoid both of those conditions is for a person to remain […]

School Zone Ahead: Keep an Eye out for Kids

School Zone Ahead: Keep an Eye out for Kids

Summer is coming to a close, much to the chagrin of children everywhere. The end of summer means it is time to head back to school for another year. While kids are frustrated by the loss of their freedom, their parents are usually rejoicing. They are no longer in charge of keeping their children safe […]

Don’t Lose Hope Because of an Arrest

Don’t Lose Hope Because of an Arrest

You never know when something bad might happen, but you have to have hope that you will be able to get through it. When a person loses hope, they solidify the fact that they will be stuck with the bad for a while. By not giving up, a person gives themselves a chance of getting […]

Don’t Worry, Bail Is Easier Than You Realize

Don’t Worry, Bail Is Easier Than You Realize

Often times in life, people find themselves stuck doing something uncomfortable. This happens all of the time, despite a person’s best attempts to avoid it. A good example of this is when a loved one gets arrested. No one ever wants to post bail, but most people don’t want to leave someone in jail either. […]

The Dumb Internet Prank of Swatting

The Dumb Internet Prank of Swatting

The internet is a great tool. It allows people to get in contact with one another no matter the distance and share information across the entire world. It truly is powerful. Unfortunately, for all of the good that the internet can do, it also does some bad as well. Just like good ideas are able […]