You Can Get a Discount at Carls Bail Bonds
If you shop around for better deals with everything else, why not do that with bail bonds. You can get a great deal by calling (866) 855-3186.
When you need to buy something expensive, you always shop around to find the best deal available. Why spend extra money, when you could have saved it by making your purchase somewhere else? If you do that with everything else in your life, why wouldn’t you do that to bail a friend or family member out of jail?
You undoubtedly want to get your loved one out of jail as quickly as you can, but you want to be sure you are getting the best deal. You might have been able to save thousands of dollars if you had spent a little extra time looking at bail bond companies.
Some bail bond companies, like Carls Bail Bonds, are able to offer some of their clients a 20% discount. This discount can mean the difference between being affording your loved one’s bail, and him or her having to stay in jail. To qualify for this discount, you, or another co-signer, need to be one of the following:
• A homeowner
• A union member
• A member of the military
• A member of AARP
• Have a private attorney
If you meet any one of those qualifications, then you will only have to pay 8% of your loved one’s bail, not the usual 10% that is required in California.
If you want to learn more about this discount, or bail bonds in general, just contact the professionals here at Carls Bail Bonds. We will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have regarding bail bonds.