Rules of the Beach

Carls Bail Bonds

Rules of the Beach

Nobody wants to think about rules once summer rolls around, the season is about freedom after all. However, the rules still need to be followed. If someone decides to ignore them, they can end up facing some serious fines or even jail time. California law doesn’t care what season it is. If a law is broken, a person will get into trouble.

Beaches are the go to place to hang out in the summer when you live in California. Unfortunately, beaches are also the go to spot for tourist as well. Locals often find their favorite surf spots littered with tourist and trash. This can make for a bad relationship between locals and tourists. If you’re a local, try to be patient with the tourist this summer. They may not know that they’re on a private beach, or that it’s a popular surf spot. If you’re a tourist on the beach this summer, please remember to pick up after yourself. California already has enough problems with water population, we don’t need an extra hand.

Aside from littering, beaches have several other rules as well. You can’t just do whatever you’d like on a beach. Most beaches have set aside areas that are designated for certain activities that are banned elsewhere on the beach. It’s always a good idea to see what rules that a beach might have since they change from place to place. For example according to the LA County website, all beaches in LA County have the following rules:

• No animals allowed on the beach (no cats, dogs, horses, etc.)
• No alcoholic beverages
• No smoking
• No tents, or overnight camping
• No fires or barbeques allowed, except in the fire pits at Dockweiler Beach
• No fireworks
• No glass containers
• No loitering between midnight and 6am
• No amplified music
• No nudity
• No diving in shallow water
• No soliciting or selling merchandise
• No littering
• No driving or parking on sand or bike path
• No disturbances
• No swimming, wading, surfing, skin dive, scuba dive, or recreation in the ocean after sundown

Like most rules, these rules are designed with your safety in mind. They don’t want glass bottle on the beach because people tend to litter, and broken glass could easily slice someone’s foot open. Loud music may be okay with you and your group of friends when it’s your playlist, but your neighbors on the beach may be offended by your choice of songs.

Rules exist for a reason. Although you may not always agree with that reason, the rule needs to be followed in order for you have the best beach experience. Don’t let the rules get you down. You can always look for beaches that have designated areas for you to have a fire, or a place that allows pets. There are several beaches in California, you just have to find the right one for you.