Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Tulare

What’s the Difference between GTA and Joyriding?


What’s the Difference between GTA and Joyriding? A home is probably the most important thing that a person can own. Right behind that is a car. Having a vehicle allows a person to travel easily and efficiently. With a car, a person can run errands and go to work to earn money for all of […]

Can Helping Someone Get You Into Trouble?


Can Helping Someone Get You Into Trouble? When it comes to friends and family, most people will do whatever they can to help out their loved ones. If someone that they care about is in trouble, they will not rest until they have helped get their loved one out of trouble. This is how a […]

Your Options for Paying

Your Options for Paying? People like to have options, especially in instances where payment options tend to be a bit limited. This can be the case when you need to bail someone out of jail. We understand that leaving your loved one stuck in jail may not be an option for you, no matter how […]

What Happens If a Person Misses a Bail Payment?

What Happens If a Person Misses a Bail Payment? Most people have a lot of questions and concerns when it comes to dealing with bail. This is largely because most people don’t know a whole lot about bail in the first place. After all, they never expected to need bail. Still, that doesn’t mean that […]

Transporting Marijuana in California

Transporting Marijuana in California Nearly four years ago, Californians voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in the state. That law went into effect in 2018 and as such, there is still some confusion about what is and isn’t legal when it comes to marijuana in the state of California. People are still unsure […]

Wrongfully Parking in a Handicapped Spot

Wrongfully Parking in a Handicapped Spot Having a disability can make tasks that most people take for granted difficult to complete. To make things easier for people with disabilities, several laws and practices have been adopted here in California, and the rest of the nation at large. This includes things such as automatic doors, ramps […]

Is Blackmailing Illegal in California?

Is Blackmailing Illegal in California? Blackmailing is never fun, especially when you are at the receiving end of it. The trope of someone finding some secret of another person and then using it to get the victim to do whatever they say shows up a lot in fiction. Unfortunately, it is present in the real […]

Can Minors Be Bailed Out of Jail?

Can Minors Be Bailed Out of Jail? Bail is a confusing and unknown subject to a lot of people out there. Most people don’t think about one of their friends or family members getting arrested, so they don’t even consider how they would bail that person out. In most instances, this is just for adults. […]

Life After Posting Bail

Life After Posting Bail When it comes to bail, people have a lot of questions. This is understandable since most people never expected that they would need to bail someone out of jail. Luckily the people here at Carls Bail Bonds in Tulare are here to help. We know everything about bail and will be […]

Dealing With Bail

Dealing With Bail

Don’t Stress About Collateral

Don’t Stress About Collateral When someone is taking out a loan, there is a more than likely chance that the lender will want something as collateral. That way, if the person doesn’t pay back the money, the lender can get their money back. In this sense, it is easy to see why companies like to […]